EN English synonyms from reckoning to rectification
- reckoning
- reclaim
- recline
- reclining
- recluse
- reclusive
- recognisable
- recognise
- recognised
- recognition
- recognizable
- recognize
- recognized
- recognizing
- recoil
- recollect
- recollection
- recommend
- recommendation
- recommendatory
- recommended
- recompense
- reconcile
- reconcile to a loss
- reconciliation
- recondite
- reconnaissance
- reconnoiter
- reconnoitre
- reconsider
- reconstitute
- reconstruct
- reconstruction
- record
- recorded
- recorder
- records
- recount
- recounted
- recoup
- recourse
- recover
- recovering
- recovery
- recreant
- recreate
- recreation
- recruit
- rectangular
- rectification